الخميس، 17 مارس 2011

!You, who know

Dear You, Who Know,

You, who know I am conversing you...

Your existence in my life is much vital than air to my lungs, much precious than blood to my heart, and much crucial than gaiety to my soul!

You, who know I am conversing you...
I glanced skywards and found our star-free sky grim, with dark growing clouds; I peeked earthwards and perceived our ground beneath dehydrated, thirsting for trickling raindroplets that would moisten the drought inhabiting the souls!

You, who know I am conversing you...

I missed, ever missed, the light you shed with your brightful smile; I longed, ever longed, for your shiny brainchildren that enlighten my roads when life darkens as the sunlight fades and as the moonlight dims.

You, who know I am conversing you...

Please forgive the sins I committed, only -and only- for the sake of love that has ever tightly tied our lately-loosened hearts!

That is, and may your heart be delighted once and forever.

It may?!

You Know Who

هناك 3 تعليقات:

  1. خارقة، تخرق الفؤاد.
    والكلمة التي قد تدمي بعد ذلك الخرق هي كلمة الأسف، فإخراجها صعب و تقبّلها أصعب و تصديقها أحيانا أصعب و أصعب.
    الكلمات الصادقة تلمع، فحبرها دمع رقراق منبعه في قلب حزين.

  2. بضمير،

    صاحبة التعليق السابق، نشرته قبل التوقيع.


اكتب ما بدا لك، لكن...بضمير!